Definition of Application Impact in the context of the survey
For the scope of this survey, we consider an application of MAS&T as relevant in terms of application impact, if it satisfies the following three criteria:
- It has been deployed in 2000 or later, in a corporate, administrative, or public environment
(example indicators: #of years available, #of customers/users, # of transactions)
- It has considerably and positively contributed
- to corporate or administrative value creation
- to public / social welfare, or
- to application-oriented grand technology challenges (such as e.g. RoboCup)
(example indicators: # of units or licenses sold, sales volume, return on invest, revenue p.a., total revenue, customer / user references and rating, dissemination / media coverage, contribution to technology challenge testbeds or competitions, patents granted)
- it uses research results (models, methods, architecture, algorithms, technologies&platforms, tools) in the realm of multiagent systems & technologies at its core - no matter whether the label of MAS&T is used or not.
(e.g. determined by membership to topics from the AAMAS 2012 Call for Papers)
Note: Merely academic impact (e.g. measured in # of publications or citations) is not a main concern of this survey, even though it can be considered as a positive contribution to dissemination / media coverage.
Note: The focus of our survey is on Multi-Agent Systems and Technologies. Thus, we are less interested in single-agent systems; we acknowledge that the boundaries between the two types of systems are fuzzy. So if in doubt: leave it in!
Note: You are very much encouraged to describe own work, if it matches the criteria.