Survey on Application Impact of Multiagent Systems and Technologies(MAS&T)

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This is the webpage reporting history and results of a survey carried out from autumn 2012 until spring 2013. The goal of this survey has been to identify real-world applications of Multiagent systems and technologies deployed in the year 2000 or later, and to assess their impact.

More than 150 applications were collected and analyzed.

The results of the survey are published in the book Agent-Oriented Software Engineering edited by Onn Shehory and Arnon Sturm.

Please make sure you use the correct bibliographic reference of the Springer book when citing it.

If your license permits, you can access the paper here.

You can download a preliminary authors' version of the survey here.

The questions of the original survey are here.


Jörg P. Müller, TU Clausthal, Germany, Mail: joerg[DOT]mueller[AT]tu-clausthal[DOT]de
Klaus Fischer , DFKI GmbH, Germany, Mail: klaus[DOT]fischer[AT]dfki[DOT]de