Multi-agent Systems:

Decentral approaches for designing, organizing, and operating information systems

Conference track at
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010

Göttingen, February 23-25, 2010.


20.01.2010: Track-Programm online
3.11.2009: Es wurden neun Beiträge für den Track eingereicht.


Dienstag, 23.2.2010 - Raum ZHG 007
13:00-13:45 Michael Pirker, Siemens AG
Agent-based Coordination and Reasoning in industrial Applications (Eingeladener Vortrag)
13:45-14:15 Martin Böhringer, Peter Gluchowski
Ubiquitous Microblogging als dezentrales Entwurfsparadigma für leichtgewichtige Informationssysteme
14:15-14:30 Hisham Mubarak, Peter Göhner
Einsatz von Agenten für das Selbstmanagement von Automatisierungssystemen (Short Presentation)
15:00-15:30 Kaffeepause
15:00-15:45 Stefan Kirn, Universität Hohenheim
Multiagentensysteme - eine SCM-Technologie (Eingeladener Vortrag)
15:45-16:00 Markus Knöfel, Thomas Barth
Kriterien für den Einsatz Service-orientierter Architekturen in der Unternehmens-IT (Short Presentation)
16:00-16:30 Sebastian Hudert, Torsten Eymann
Coping with global Information Systems - Requirements for a flexible SLA Discovery and Negotiation Infrastructure for the future Internet of Services
16:30-17:00 Kaffeepause
17:00-17:30 Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr
Construction of Agent Applications - Concepts and Tools for Agents and Beyond
17:30-18:00 Patrick Stiefel, Jörg P. Müller
Eine modellbasierte Software-Architektur zur Unterstützung dezentraler Prozesse in der Produktentwicklung
(click here to download presentation)
18:00-18:30 Steffen Lamparter, Silvio Becher, Michael Pirker
A Generic Strategy Framework for Policy-directed Autonomous Trading Agents


Ever since the nascence of the Internet, decentralization has been a key principle for designing, organizing, and running complex distributed systems and for managing global dynamic networks. Systems and networks relying on decentral concepts have advantages: They are more robust and often more adaptive towards change; they support the natural modeling of inherently decentralized autonomous systems (or: systems of systems); they enable more flexible and economic IT systems by providing resource sharing and virtualization; and they provide new and efficient methods to distribute, find, access, and management of distributed resources in environments characterized by dynamic interactions between autonomous actors or groups.

Current trends such as globalization of markets and enterprises, global outsourcing, and the formation of global partnerships as virtual networks (e.g., for product development or supply chain management) pose new challenges to IT: How can today’s information systems be made to effectively and efficiently support such complex, dynamic cross-enterprise networks and processes? How can they benefit from the new opportunities created by new IT paradigms and technologies such as the Internet of Things, and the emerging communities and marketplaces of Web 2.0, implying usage scenarios that cannot reasonably be supported solely by centrally organized architecture, design methods, and runtime platforms?

While decentral approaches have a considerable potential for the development, organization, and operation of future information systems, there are barriers and boundaries to their usage as well. Still today, the vast majority of enterprise information systems are based on centralized architectures; under the guise of IT consolidation, data centers and corporate IT departments often replace and centralize formerly decentralized systems. Where decentralized systems are used, basic requirements such as data consistency and efficiency, process coordination, but also issues of trust and security including the management of roles, rights, and users still provide challenges and require further research.

This track will especially address the following questions related to decentralization in information systems:

Goals and Topics

The track Multi-agent systems: Decentral approaches for designing, organizing, and operating information systems aims to study and discuss the above general questions, and to provide some answers to them by bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss opportunities, applications, and problems to be solved in designing and using decentralized information systems. The track is the joint continuation of two successful tracks held at MKWI’2008:

As the track title suggests, the technology focus of the track will be in the area of multi-agent systems as a promising paradigm for distributed computing, where systems are described by collections of autonomous entities (agents) that interact and coordinate their activities towards a common goal or in a shared environment. Multi-agent systems offer important concepts and technical solutions for the analysis, design and construction of decentralized systems, as they provide a conceptual and technological foundation and core building blocks for autonomous distributed systems such as communication, conflict resolution, cooperation, negotiation, and concurrency. The track shall, however, also study related distributed IT paradigms including peer-to-peer computing, grid systems, and Web 2.0 with respect to decentralization issues and their relationship to the multi-agent approach.

We invite original, high-quality contributions in the broad area of multi-agent systems and related decentralized approaches for designing, organizing, and operating information systems. This includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:

Important dates

Notification of authors 2.11.2009
Submission of manuscripts 30.09.2009

Track Chairs

Lars Braubach, Universität Hamburg
Birgit Burmeister, Daimler AG
Jörg P. Müller, Technische Universität Clausthal
Alexander Pokahr, Universität Hamburg
Ingo Timm, Universität Frankfurt

Program Committee

Thomas Barth, Universität Siegen
Bernhard Bauer, Universität Augsburg
Michael Berger, DocuWare AG
Hans Czap, Universität Trier
Torsten Eymann, Universität Bayreuth
Kai Fischbach, Universität Köln
Klaus Fischer, DFKI
Bernd Freisleben, Universität Marburg
Peter Göhner, Universität Stuttgart
Otthein Herzog, Universität Bremen
Benjamin Hirsch, TU Berlin
Stefan Kirn, Universität Hohenheim
Hagen Langer, Universität Bremen
Daniel Moldt, Universität Hamburg
Jens Nimis, FZI Karlsruhe
Peter Novak, TU Clausthal
Paolo Petta, OFAI
Michael Pirker, Siemens AG Corporate Technology
Steffen Staab, Universität Koblenz
Jan Sudeikat, HAW Hamburg
Birna van Riemsdijk, TU Delft
Daniel Veit, Universität Mannheim
Dirk Werth, DFKI


Prof. Dr. Jörg P. Müller, Technische Universität Clausthal
Julius-Albert-Str. 4, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Email: joerg.mueller [at] tu-clausthal [dot] de
Tel.: +49 5323 727141
Fax: +49 5323 737149